A St Joseph’s learner will develop an enjoyment of music. They will experience different types of music and be given opportunities to be expressive and creative. They will listen to, perform and compose music, growing in confidence and control. Opportunities to build on their singing skills, will allow them to perform confidently in front of their peers and a wider audience.
We have created our own scheme for music with the support from a specialist music teacher who we work closely with.
All children from the Nursery up to year 6 have music in their learning, this looks very different at different key stages. By the end of their time with us, children will have listened to a full range of music, they will have learnt how to play a range of instruments and will be composing their own music.
Here is a break down of how we teach music at St. Josephs.
Early Years
Music in Early Years is not always taught as a stand alone lesson, it is very much in their every day lives in the classroom.
Early Years love exploring music! Children love listening to music, singing and playing instruments. They enjoy singing and playing songs they know and playing and making their own. Children have opportunities to explore instruments in play. Adults in the setting join in with play; making shows, creating bands and exploring music and rhythms. Children will learn about beats and rhythm in Nursery through their phase 1 phonics. They will distinguish between sounds they can hear and make, create loud and quiet sounds, will go on sound walks and will create and copy simple beats.
Children in Nursery will sing lots of Nursery songs regularly to build a repertoire of familiar songs. Children will begin weekly singing with Mrs Stonier or Miss Cooper in Butterflies Nursery through to Reception. This is a very much enjoyed part of our week!
At Christmas Nursery will put on a concert for parents and Reception will produce a Christmas Play!
Key Stage 1 (Years 1&2)
Children in Years 1 and 2 get a designated music lesson each week that is 30 minutes. During this time children will listen to different music and explore different feelings through it, they learn about different famous composers. Children learn about beats in music and different musical vocabulary. They learn to play percussion instruments and have the opportunity to perform regularly in front of their peers.
Every week they also have a 20 minute session with our lay chaplain where they have singing practice, learning new songs that they will sing in Mass or songs to help them Praise God.
Lower Key Stage 2 (Years 3&4)
Children in Years 3 and 4 have a designated music lesson each week that is an hour long. This is taught by a specialist music teacher who comes and teaches the children to play the recorder. During these lessons children will listen to different music, learn about notation, learn to play different tunes and have a chance to compose their own.
Every week they also have a 30 minute session with our lay chaplain where they have singing practice, learning new songs that they will sing in Mass or songs to help them Praise God.
Upper Key Stage 2 (Years 5&6)
Children in Years 5 and 6 have a designated music lesson each week that is an hour long. This is taught by a specialist music teacher who comes and teaches the children to play the guitar. During these lessons children will use their skills already taught through the school to play using beats and follow music. They will learn the new skill of playing chords using the guitar.
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Peripatetic lessons
We have recently started offering peripatetic lessons in guitar and keyboard for children in Years 5 and 6. This is taught by our Specialist music teacher from Entrust.
Support in Music
All children have the opportunity to join in music/singing lessons, however we know that some children may need more support in this lesson than others. To help children who may need more support or who are on the SEN register we may:
- give adult support during music lessons
- offer modified resources or books
- give visual prompts
This support will be given during the lesson so that children do not miss out on their curriculum.
If music is taught by an external agency, all staff will be informed of all children on the SEN register and any specific needs within the class.