Busy Bees
Here are some of the things that you can look forward to in the AUTUMN term...
Our RE lessons will begin with the Creation story before moving on to Families and Celebrations. Each Thursday, the children will attend Mass with Father Peter where they will extend their learning further.
We will be learning to write using some wonderful books. We will be starting with 'Bumble Bear' before moving on to 'The Queen's Hat', 'We All Went on Safari' and 'The Tiger Who Came to Tea'. Our main target areas will be using capital letters and full stops, finger spaces and adjectives within our sentences.
The main focus for this term will be place value and learning to add and subtract numbers with confidence. We also will be making sure that we can count in 2's, 5's and 10's.
In Science, we will be exploring the 5 senses through lots of practical learning! We will be looking at the body parts of humans and animals and how they are used to aid the senses.
Our topic in the Autumn term is 'What is it Like Here'. We will be looking at the local area through maps and photographs and finding out how Rugeley fits into the county, country, continent and our world!
From week 2, our PE lessons will be every MONDAY so please send your child in wearing their PE kit. They will need to wear suitable footwear, black shorts/joggers, a St Joseph's PE T shirt and their usual sweatshirt.
In year 1, the children are tested on their phonics knowledge. We will complete a phonics lesson every day and this will then be applied in Guided Reading and writing sessions.
Each Friday, the children will have a task sheet in their reading folders. This will include their spellings for the week. These link to the sounds we will be learning in phonics so it is important for the children to be able to read and spell them. In year 1, children are expected to read every evening - their reading books will be changed every Tuesday and Friday. If they have finished their book before it is changed, there is an online book that links to their Phonics learning that you will be able to access. The children will also have a login to play Numbots on a phone or tablet, it’s loads of fun and improves their maths knowledge!