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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

With God in Our Hearts We Love and Learn.

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Guest Book


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Mary Green(less than a year ago)

Thank you Yr3 and Yr 4 for a really lovely afternoon of songs and music. You played the ukulele and recorder beautifully keep up the good work. A huge thank you to your teachers for all their hard work and a special thank you to Mr Moon for all the help he gives you Happy Christmas to you all Mary Green

Mary Green(less than a year ago)

What a wonderful treat to see the children in Yr1& Yr 2 telling the nativity story. The singing was lovely and everyone spoke their lines so clearly. Well done to you all and a huge thank you to all the staff whose hard work and determination enable us all to enjoy the fruits of their labour! Happy Christmas to you all Mary Green.

Mary Green(less than a year ago)

Thank you to all the pupils of Yr5 and Yr6. For a wonderful Carol Service last night,helping everyone to hear and understand the importance of the Nativity. Your behaviour was exemplary. Soloist were fantastic readers were clear and reverent. The coral singing was exceptional every word was heard. Well done to you all and a huge thank you to all staff for their dedication and hard work. Merry Christmas to you all. Mary Green

Mary Green(less than a year ago)

A huge thank you to the pupils of Reception class for their Nativity play last Tuesday. You sang beautifully and spoke your lines loudly and clearly for everyone to enjoy. You worked really hard supported by your dedicated teachers so a big thank you to them for their hard work and dedication. Happy Christmas

Mary Green(less than a year ago)

What a marvellous experience I had last Monday! Along with parents and other family members we were transported to Bethlehem where we enjoyed the retelling of the Christmas story by 2 and 3 year old children. They were wonderful and all credit to every staff member for their hard work and dedication to the education of these children. Thank you. Well done! Merry Christmas to you all

Mary Green(about a year ago)

Well done to all the staff and pupils for all your hard work., on Sports Day last Friday I really enjoyed seeing your athletic skills everyone there had a wonderful time. Enjoy the sunshine and the rest of this term Mary Green

Mary Green(about a year ago)

Congratulations on a beautiful celebration at school yesterday. The First Holy Communicants were so reverent and the older children involved in the crowing of Mary were a credit to the school. Well done to everyone for making Mass so special for myself and all other parish members in attendance. Enjoy your well earned short break let’s hope the sun keeps shining

Mary Green(about a year ago)

Well done to all the Mini Vinnies. on your very successful “coffee morning” Coffee was lovely as were all the cakes and biscuits. You all worked so hard and you were so friendly and polite. Looking forward to the next one.

Mary Green(about a year ago)

Congratulations to all of the pupils of Yr 3 on their First Holy Communion., and thanks to all staff and Fr Peter for preparing you so well for your very special day.

Mary Green(about a year ago)

It was so pleasing to see all the happy parents after a successful parents evening. Well done to the pupils of year 6 who helped with the teas and coffees as well as competently selling the books. So polite and helpful to everyone a credit to their parents and the school. Congratulations Mr Jobburns and all staff on another successful term Have a happy and Holy Easter Mary Green

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