01889 228735

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

With God in Our Hearts We Love and Learn.

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Welcome to Year 6

We are the Glorious Giraffes!

Welcome to Year Six!  We hope you have had a fantastic summer break and are ready for the exciting term ahead.  We have lots of interesting learning and challenges to look forward to.


Children will be provided with all of the equipment they will need in class, however if your child would like to bring their own pencil case they are welcome to. We would ask that it is a clear, small pencil case. Children will need to bring their reading folder, hand sanitiser, lunch and a bottle of water to drink during the day.


P.E. lessons will take place every Tuesday and Friday. We would ask that on these days, children come to school dressed in their PE kit with their school jumper or cardigan. Please make sure your child has their indoor PE pumps in a small bag that they can change into when needed. P.E. kit should consist of plain navy/black shorts or jogging bottoms (in colder weather), the school PE top and trainers and pumps. Please make sure that these items are clearly labelled.


Homework (maths and/or grammar) will be sent home every Friday to be completed and returned the following Tuesday.

Your child should also continue to practise their times tables and spellings (also sent out on Friday) every day. Spellings should be learnt by Friday of the following week for our spelling test. Please ensure that your child spends a little time each day to learnt these.

It is very important that your child spends a few minutes (longer if they choose!) each day reading their reading book and discussing what they have read. Please continue to support your child to do this.


Our first Geography topic is called ‘Extreme Earth’. We will learn about the Earth’s extremes, from tropical storms, to erupting volcanoes and tsunamis.

In science we will be learning about ‘Living Things and Their Habitats’.

In RE we will be preparing for and learning about the sacrament of confirmation – which will take place in November.


Your child can access a range of learning activities from home using Purple Mash (https://www.purplemash.com/login/) and Times Table Rockstars (https://ttrockstars.com/).  If you require the login details for your child then please get in touch and we will be happy to provide you with a copy.


We are excited for the year ahead with the children. In the meantime if you have any queries or concerns then please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you in advance for your support this year.


Yours faithfully,


Mrs Smith and Mrs Farmer

Here are some links to extra resources that you can access at home:


Oak Academy: 



Staffordshire Library have produced a range of videos that include story times, craft times, rhyme time, STEM activities and more:
