01889 228735

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

With God in Our Hearts We Love and Learn.

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School is a Voluntary Aided Primary School maintained by the Diocesan Schools Commission of Birmingham, within Staffordshire L.E.A.  It is located close to the centre of Rugeley, near the natural beauty of Cannock Chase.  The school caters for children aged from 2-11 years of age.  Situated in its own extensive grounds, St. Joseph’s has provision for 210 children in a two storey building plus a Nursery with up to 10 2 year old places and 24 children 3 year old places (Government Fully Funded 30 Hours).

We are a Catholic school, which we believe both gives us an added dimension in all our relationships and enriches the children’s spiritual, moral and emotional education, whether they are of the Catholic faith or not.


The school building and classes

The school is housed in two-storey premises built in the late 1960s, whilst a recent project has seen a new entrance and dedicated school library  further improve the building. The school is divided into teaching and activity areas to meet the various needs of our pupils.  The children are divided into 7 single year group classes (Reception-Y6).  All the staff at St. Joseph's are working together to ensure that every child receives appropriate education and care.


Nursery places for 2, 3 and 4 year olds 

We are pleased to be able to offer a governor-run nursery every day with up to 30 hours provision. If you are interested in a place and your child is aged 2 years+ then please contact the School Office for further information (01889 228735).

The reception area
The reception area
Key Stage 1 playground
Key Stage 1 playground