Welcome Active Ants!
It's Mrs Espley here! I will be your teacher this year, we are going to have so much fun!
We will be supported by Mrs Ostle / Miss Murphy / Mrs Brandon. There will be three members of staff in total in Class A in both the mornings and afternoons.
We are in the Autumn Term!
Below you will find some of the fantastic learning we will be doing throughout this term.
Parents, please check Class Dojo to see what we are up to and to keep up to date with class updates.
We follow the Essential Letters and Sounds Phonics Scheme.
This term we will be learning Phase 2/3 sounds. We will be learning how to hear these sounds in words. An example would be the word sit, first we will learn to hear the initial sound which is ssssss. Next we will hear the start and end sound before learning to sound out the whole word s-i-t.
We will also learn to recognise these sounds in words and blend them together to read CVC words (Consonant-Vowel-Consonant). These are three letter words with a vowel in the middle like cat, dog, mop, bin, pet.
*When learning to read and write we always use the lower case sounds like a for ant, not the upper case/ capitals like A / ANT, as these make different sounds.
We will be putting meaning to the marks we make. Mark making is a huge part of play and will help develop an interest in writing. We will be learning to write single sounds. We will start to sound words out and write sounds that we know. Writing through play could be writing lists, labels, names, orders, invites, character names, letters.. writing opportunities are endless! We love to have fun writing!
We will also work hard on learning to write our own names. Some of you might already know some or all of your names!
Reading at home / home learning
Reading at home is so important for children that are learning to read. Just 5 minutes each day really will make such a difference to your child’s progress and confidence in reading. We will send home a reading book but will also use an E-Library to assign Phonics books.
We will learn about umbers 1-10 this term. When learning each number we will learn a number rhyme to help with formation, I will add these further down. We will be exploring number and deepening our understanding of each number. We will use vocabulary such as more, less, bigger, smaller, even, odd... We will be thinking about the number in different ways in counting objects, fingers, counting out groups, subitising... anything can be counted and opportunities to develop our understanding are all around.
We will use Snack time as an opportunity to use vocabulary to describe capacity... full, empty, nearly full, nearly empty, more, less, the same. We will also use the snack in the bowl to compare quantities... are there more oranges or apples? How many ... are left? Can you make a pattern?
Number Rhymes
1- A straight line one, it is fun.
2- Around and back on the railway track makes two, two, two.
3- Around the tree and around the tree, this is the way to make a three.
4- Down and across and down some more, this is the way to make a four.
5- With a straight neck and a round tummy, put it's hat on five sure looks funny!
6- Around and a loop, the six rolls a hoop.
7- Across the sky and down from Heaven, this is the way to make a seven.
8- Make a 'S', do not wait, climb back up to make an eight.
9- A loop and a line, makes a nine.
Thank you for your support!